Advantages of Thin-Set Epoxy

Did you know there are different terrazzo systems available? Each system has its own use, but today we at Doyle Dickerson Terrazzo will discuss how thin-set epoxy has advantages over other types of terrazzo. Advantages of Thin-Set Epoxy Durability Epoxy terrazzo is the best thin-set system available today. Other thin-set systems include monolithic terrazzo [...]

Terrazzo 101: 3 Features Architects Should Know

Some spaces are big. Some spaces are small. One thing is for sure, what an architect does with the area given can affect the people who connect with that space. Architecture has the ability to trigger a physical, physiological or psychological response; therefore, it is essential for an architect to consider the right flooring option [...]

10 Projects with Interesting Terrazzo Designs

Terrazzo can create captivating designs. Whether you want a floor that is simple and modern or creative with all types of graphics and shapes, terrazzo has you covered. Doyle Dickerson Terrazzo worked on some amazing projects over the years. Here are 10 terrazzo projects with interesting designs that we believe you will enjoy. 1. Mango's Tropical [...]

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